December 3, 2017

Can We End of Poverty in a Decade?

In July of 2017, the UN released its latest update on their progress toward 17 Sustainable Development Goals...
November 28, 2017

The October Paris-meeting moved the upcoming ISO Standard on Innovation Management Systems one step closer to release!

I recently participated in the ISO/TC 279 meeting in Paris, where the working groups continued to work with their respective parts, moving the standard one step closer to its planned publishing in Q4-2018...
October 29, 2017

Does culture eat strategy for breakfast?

Innovations are infinite, even within a finite market. However, not all innovations start with the same chance at a fully productive lifecycle. Innovations that survive are most often those that are supported by...
October 6, 2017

Innovation 360 Group is on the ground in UAE, and Dubai is leading the charge in the pursuit of innovation

As a force for change behind most industries and a catalyst for development in the public and private sectors, innovation is undoubtedly one...
October 1, 2017

Do you have an Artificial IntellIgence Strategy – or are you JUST pretending TO?

Not long ago one of my clients told me he badly needed “Artificial Intelligence for Dummies...
September 11, 2017

We are going live with Sherlock – The greatest collective innovation mind in history

August 13, 2017

Recommendation engines force organisations to fundamentally rethink

According to Michael Schrage (HBR August 01), the single most important algorithmic distinction...
July 25, 2017

Artificial Intelligence & Innovation Management for Business Leaders

You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war...
June 20, 2017

Strategic goals and design principles for establishing innovation centres

In many assignments, we see that the client has already established an innovation centre, or may be planning to do so...
May 30, 2017

Release of The Complete Guide to Business Innovation Volume 1-5

Today we officially launched the release date of the new book series “The Complete guide to...
May 8, 2017

Innovation Management Standards ahead!

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, international standards and innovation capabilities have always been strong drivers and catalysts for human and societal development. International standards as
April 4, 2017

Choosing the right strategy handling uncertainty

Imagine you ask your management team or your employees to figure out, design and launch something that will replace your current business, and give them a deadline and a budget. Then you will immediately realize ...
February 5, 2017

Decision making in strategic uncertainty

What’s the hardest part of commercialising innovative concepts? Let´s figure it out. First, the...
January 25, 2017

The Hypothesis-Based Approach: One Change To Make an Organisation More Innovative

The business community may remember...
January 17, 2017

Probably the first 360° innovation assessment tool compliant with the upcoming ISO/TC 279 and CEN TS 16555-7

January 6, 2017

Reinnovation of the Major Automotive Players Through Eco Systems, Openness and Platform Design

When industries seek to totally redefine themselves, as many are doing today or are going to do, three of the most important aspects to...
November 18, 2016

Penker’s reflections on The Drucker Forum 2016

The 8th Drucker Forum was a milestone in many ways. It focused on the core of what will create...
November 3, 2016

Connecting the Dots in the New White House Report on AI and Innovation

In October, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), the Office of Science...
October 29, 2016

Four Innovation Paradoxes driving disruption

There are a number of well-documented key drivers for innovation and global...
October 27, 2016
innovation management tools

Augmentation and Client Embedding: The Disruption of the Consultancy Industry

Right on schedule, disruption has come to the world of consulting. While many have seen it coming, only a few consulting firms are prepared to ride this wave of disruption into a new market reality. That preparation depends on new tools...
October 15, 2016

Magnus Penker on Innovation

Adapt or die. That’s a summation of the evolutionary theory known as the Red Queen Effect. Under certain environmental...
September 10, 2016

InnovationIQ – Score your Innovation readiness

Innovation IQ InnovationIQ Score 0201502016 Prepare to regularly revitalise your core...
August 29, 2016

The Global Innovation Index

The Global Innovation Index gathers data from companies and their clients to measure how innovative countries are all over the world....
June 26, 2016

How B2B2C Drives Digitalization and the Innovation of New Business Models

June 21, 2016

Business Innovation Using LEGO Models

You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can from a lifetime of conversation – Plato What’s the difference between play...