May 15, 2015

Talking about Omni-Channel Challenges

This Wednesday we had a breakfast seminar about innovation in retail, focusing on the next step of Omni-Channel. Among the guests were representatives from leading fashion brands, food companies,
May 12, 2015

Robots in Retail

We held a breakfast seminar on Omni-Channel 2.0 this Wednesday May 13th at our Stockholm Office. Read Saras’ post on it here. I spoke on how digitalization and automation can come to revolutionize...
May 6, 2015

Current trends in healthcare

With twenty percent of the population generating eighty percent of healthcare cost, and a growing number of elderly people...
April 25, 2015

Omni Channel 2.0 – The innovation of Retail Business Models

Due to radical and partly unpredicted change in consumer behaviour, the retail and FMCG industry is going through a change that is both potentially...
April 6, 2015

Artificial Intelligence –Threat or Possibility?

  As last blog post ended, I am going to dig a bit deeper into the incredible speed at which the world is learning right now and how it is learning. For every day, a smaller fraction of the world’s combined intelligence is in the brain of an animal (eg. a […]
March 29, 2015

Pay to be deceived?

  On weekdays we stick to digital editions of the morning papers but come weekends we splurge in paper, subscribing to the two largest newspapers in Sweden. Every now and then we try to decide on one of them but my husband wants his Fredrik Strage chronicles in Dagens Nyheter, and […]
March 23, 2015

Lady Gaga takes innovation to avant-garde levels

  How offers become almost impossible to copy WHAT ARE YOU SELLING? By understanding what you are actually selling, you can find your unique abilities and become sustainably competitive. Sitting on the plane home from Monaco and have just, together with some Bearing colleagues, run our innovation management program at Monaco’s business school and the […]
March 22, 2015

Leader in coming week´s Innovation Special Report published in the Swedish Business magazine Dagens Industri

  What´s happening now will have a greater impact on us than the innovation of the railway! When I talk about the ongoing globalization I talk about it as a series of waves, and right now, I´d say, we are in the midst of the third globalization wave. This third globalization […]
March 15, 2015

Will VR disrupt Reality?

  David Roberts, former Special Agent and Singularity University faculty member, made an interesting example of possible disruption, when comparing the steady, linear improvement of how we experience reality, with the exponential improvements of VR systems, and tools. Reality is improved by better glasses, better prosthesis, and better smartphones helping […]